as batman said in Dark Knight:
Night is getting darker before the sun comes up (or something like that;)
or in Indonesian proverb " Habis gelap terbitlah terang."
..meansss after those hectic exams (that requires me to write pages over pages and draining out my brain capacity), there comes the HOLIDAYYYY!
ummm, actually i'm planning to purchase a sewing machine, the small one.
ummm, i got this wish list after watching PROJECT RUNWAY.
weeewwww. i want to sew this that and bla3x. hihihi.
1. superrrrb skirt
2. re-construct my 'jutaan-umat-punya' dress, which is souvenir from Bali. hahaha, u know the batik dress. but still, i love the pattern soooo much:)
3. make head-band from satin fabric
4. etc etc.
4. etc etc.
god, now i imagine Fashion Week. *weew, back to reality....*
one thing that is important:
wish me luck for my persistent since i may give up if i fail on my 1st experiment.