07 January 2009

kitsch.. daily pick@ pixie market

Refer to wikipedia.org:

Kitsch /kɪtʃ/ is a term of German or Yiddish origin that has been used to categorize art that is considered as an inferior style.

Well, I just found out this web:
pixiemarket.com, and I was soooo amazed by the whole collection.
Whooaaahhh, soooo beyond.
Here are my favest ones. The whole look was wht people called as odd beauty.
It's odd, but well... beautiful at the same time.


Christina Parameswari said...
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Christina Parameswari said...

woww...lucu2 banget...oh ya bob..you can also check www.urbanoutfitters.com

itu source dr wish list gw yg ke 5 bob..KEREN2 BANGEET..!