30 April 2009


bonsoir mon amis x) today i just wacthed XMEN the ORIGIN. ohgod, it’s awessoomee! weewww, i love the story plot and there are lots of sneak a peek to other xmen’s characters such as professor X, silver fox, sabre tooth, etc etc. j’aime bien beaucoup wolverine hihihi.

before i watched xmen, i had a mock interview held by my campus as preparation for career day. the interviewer was from 3M, she was very nice and fun. and several things that are echoing in my mind:

- before interview please take enough rest so u won’t look tired *hehehe, yeahh,this is about my eyebag, huhuhu*

- u don’t look like finance ppl u know *ahaha, do i?*

eniwey, i think this mock interview session is very helpful for me to know the perspective of a recruiter about me. as well as making me getting used to be interviewed so in the real interview i wudn’t be soo nervous hoho

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