honestly, i'm not a big fan of transformers but the film itself was quite entertaining for me. however, i found out that all of the boys in the whole world LOVE (all with CAPITAL letters) transformers 2 a lot lot lot. well... surely michael bay, the director, already put the right formula to make those boys crazy about this film.
transformers2 = megan fox + many explosions + gigantic robots
in my opinion, one of the success formula is megan fox, she's like one of the main attraction of the film with her super hot body; therefore, there are many scenes that obviously intended to emphasize her super hot body, like when she made that tattoo on motorcycle, when she ran with sam on the desert, etc etc. hehe.
oh anyway, presidential election is like 8 days from now. i surely am going to use my right to vote hehehe x)
oh anyway, presidential election is like 8 days from now. i surely am going to use my right to vote hehehe x)