hey, but do i have addiction to any particular thing? actually, there are several things that i'm kinda addicted to, they're
1. sambel *traditional chili sauce*
aheemm, i don't know how i would survive without some nice chili sauce or sambel in BAHASA. ahaha, well, something's missing if i don't have sambel for my dishes' additional sauce. the spicier it is, the better it is! there are like dozen types of sambel in indonesia and i love them all. name it: sambel terasi, sambel tomat, sambel hijau, err...? what else? i don't know most of their names but i love love love them all x)
PS: however, i got to control this addict
ion because it caused me several severe digestion problems in the past. hiks hiks.
2. internet
i am no longer fb addict nor twitter follower, but i am a blog walker. i could spend like hours just to peek-a-boo into someone's blog and read from one page to another. as a result, when i see the clock, it's already bedtime. uhuk uhuk x(
3. mineral water
frankly, everybody needs water to survive, but in my case, i get dizzy if i don't drink every... errrr 30 mins and i also drink a lot, as much as 2.5 liters per day.
4. blanket and bolster
it's better off for me to sleep without pillow than without bolster and warm blanket.
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