well, i thought the film wud be boring or a bit trashy, but it turned to be otherwise.
but i didn't like flow of the story, not smooth and anti climax at a third last part.
when we're going to save ur work at MS Office, we hit the floppy disk icon at upper left corner of the LCD rite? but have u seen this stuff lately? hahaha, i must admit that i haven't seen that for years. i wonder if a century from now, young ppl wud ask a question like " what's actually the meaning of the save icon? is that a big building with door or...?"
so, they'll open wikipedia (or any other famous encyclopedia at the future) and maybe found this statement:
" save toolbar icon is a floppy disk, an ancient storing device that was popular hundred years ago. the capacity for its 1.44" size was less than 1 MB, very contrast if compared with nowadays storing device with no bigger size than a needle that cud store up to 1000 TB"
and i imagine that the advertising is no longer in 2D, but in 3D instead.
just like in star wars film! wowww.
owwwh, and the best part at that time is we don't buy hard copy fashion magazine anymore. instead, we buy latest issue's softcopy on web or nearest 'lapak majalah'.
download it to our own e-book and voilaaaa, we'll be able not just to read and see pics, but also to watch 3-D fashion show!!! x)
uber kewlllll hahahha
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