so, i don't get it. 3/4 of my team members in 3rd stage didn't get it. ahaha
i usually feel a bit relieved when i don't get something althou i don't (reallly) want it.
but this time, i don't feel any disappointment at all.
but anyhooo, i know something.
i must develop my public speaking skill, ahaha:) x)
i easily get mumbling when it comes to public speaking haha
..and i guess i must not abandon my nature calling in finance cause i just don't really feel fit in marketing.
don't follow the stream i mean..
(althou it's very tempting and sounds so much like fun)
1 week ago
actually im shocked kmrn...bnrn!kan kita cw2 pesolek..hehehe...
gw jg ga ngerti bob knp ga keeliminasi..pdhl kerjaan gw ngelawak mulu..ahahahah...
ciel, u're soooo gud at public speaking, PR, and all of those things. i'm sure that l'oreal is just the very rite place for you. such as natural habitat gitu lah ahuahua. gudlak for tommorroowww ciel!!!
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