yaii, this novel was among my very first chicklit.

i like the rebecca bloomwood character..
her spontaneity, intellegence (in quite unconventional way) and her laid-back personality.
and the good thing is that this novel is gonna be filmed.
the film will be released on february 09.
and, the great thing is that patricia field would take charge as the fashion stylist of this film.
(fyi, fatricia field is also the stylist for Sex and the City and The Devil Wears Prada *goshhh i love those films much*)
i hope confessions of a shopaholic won't let my expectation down.
can't wait to watch this film with my girls:):)

after sneeking-a-peek through the images of the film making, i am a bit of overwhelmed.
becky's (rebecca bloomwood's) style is way tooo girly. hiks:'(
but anyway, i'll definitely watch this upcoming movie:)
(images frim imdb.com. justjared.com)
hmm,, kok wardrobe stylenya kurs ya? kaya film2 teenager taun 90an,, haha!
finallyyy.. di film in juga ya.. gw jg suka banget ma karakter becky.. total blast.. penasaran ma baju2nya!
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