i love it. I LOVE IT. love at 1st sight. *sighh.*
usually, i just found out that the price is ridiculous.
guess what?
the price tag says:
"this adorable bag will only damage your bank account for only amount of $19.80"
and i was like.. HOLD on.
sounds too good to be true...
i double-checked it.
but yes IT IS.
then the next objective is to find the way to bring that bag from US.
emg di for21 sini ga ada shr?
haven't browsed li.
mungkin mau ceki2x secepatnya
forever 21 ada ada ada adaaaaaaa di grand indonesiaaaa...... :))
tapi tapi tapi, coba deh cek web ini and tell me what you guys think: http://www.fasity.com/content/soft-opening-forever-21-di-grand-indonesia
setuju maa..
jujur... kalo soal design f21 eye catchyyyy bgt.
(karena knock-off dari designer..?)
tapi yah.. ada harga ada barang (kalo di us tergolong cukup murmer, mungkin kaya orange kali yah di jkt?)
gaun gw pas gw liat2x jahitannya g gitu rapih hiks.
tapi nga keliatan juga dan cuma dipake jarraaang (baru sekali malah pas ultah) hehe
tapi kalo dengan harga segitu mendingan gw beli di ciel..
tapi bodo deh.. lucu..^^
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