i just love lanvin's s/s 09..
i certainly am in confusion in choosing my top 4 looks..
1st and 2nd look

1st: the colour is striking and the volume is just balanced
2nd look: the waist line, the drapery, the hem line and cutting of the pants. love love
3rd and 4th look:
3rd look: aha, this look must be inspired by two-faces from the dark knight movie.. i love the interpretation of the alter-ego thing:)
4th look: so impeccable and alluring. the volume is proportional and the colour pallette compliments one to another colour
lucu ya.. 1 shoulder top kayaknya lagi mulai in (walau ampe skrg gw belom liat ada org yang make sihh)
pengen beli, tp kayaknya gak bs digunakan segala situasi ya..
iyaa niss, lucuu tapi bingung mau makenya kemana.
haha, kesannya niat amat yah..
sekarang liat2x dlu aja deh hohoho
haha!! gw juga SUKA BANGET Lanvin s/s 09 ini,, ada juga tu di blog gw ohohoho!!
iya lucu2x banget yah..
sampe bingung pas milih mana yang mau dimasukkin ke blog hohoh
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