17 December 2009
to chop or not to chop?
i heart selena gomez's and jessica alba's hairstyle the most. super gorgeous rite?
however, i got to put the possibility of every-morning-rush as my consideration.. because when u have medium length hair, straightening iron and blow dryer are compulsary. it's nearly impossible to attain such nearly perfect hair *at least for me* without spending at least 15 mins on blow dryer and hair roller *the bigger, the better* hahaha.. oh, i don't think i could handle such rush every morning.
30 November 2009
today's been a quite gud day, except for the fact that my head feels like spinning around due to lack of sleep last nite ;( the rest is gud, especially for today's lunch menu. my office just changed the catering vendor and today they serve AWESOME dishes. me totally like them! honey sauce prawn, thai kwetiaw, stir fried beef, tofu sapo, and meatball soup. yummy:)
tonight's plan: go to ATM machine to refund travel expense, buy my dinner at KFC or that grilled chicken stall, then read latest issue of elle mags until i fall asleep. zzzzz..
PS: currently, i'm eyeing on a pair of peach gem stones sandals at charles and keith. the colour goes beautifully with my skin tone. unfortunately, the heels is approximately only like 3" or so. but still cool anyway. i know it'll look very perfect with my beige batwing-alike top (in indonesian it's called baju bodo/kelelawar) for my graduation day
ohya, i also found a very flattering flat sandals with just rite dose of studs. tres chic! but i'll probably rethink of buying this pair of sandals, it's not very urgent anyway:)
23 November 2009
my weekend
the runway show was great with max mara and several chosen indonesian designers on stage. it's kinda fun to see my junior high school friend got the 'favorite model award' from the photographers, the doll face Laura Basuki. honestly, that was the first time i see her on stage and i must admit that she's got the talent :) nice job!
btw, after attending that event, i was very very motivated to exercise more. my god, those models are just so skinnnyyyyyyy and fab. haha
on saturday, i went to bandung. too bad i wasn't able to shop at happy-go-lucky anddue to heavy traffic jam here, there, and everywhere. i still kinda enjoyed it because of the nice dishes i had there. hihihi:) zuppa zuppa soup and beef gyumaki at the valley, nice chinese food at gading, breakfast at rotiku, etc etc :):):) i wanna have another bandung trip again but minus the heavy traffic jam. hiks..
13 November 2009
so, i've been at my new working place for exactly 3 weeks. things have been good and smooth sailing :) hopefully, this is the right company to place my career.
okey, so now i have my own salary, medical benefit, etc. i hope i'd be able to spend and save my money wisely althou in my head now, i'm totally busy making priority list. remember economic constraint/scarcity principle rite? limited sources, unlimited wants. to put it in indonesian "banyak maunya" hehe.
i think i'd buy my fam an early xmas gift, buy that very very petite diamond stud earrings, double breasted jacket, nice heels... err, whoah... chill.. ;)
16 October 2009
au revoir et a bientot!
oh, and my colleagues gave me some nice freebies as my goodbye present *pardon the image quality*
i like them a lot. now i could save so much spaces in my bag by having those cute mini make ups hehe. Thanks a lot:) Btw, you can have them all *oops, except the Hydra Zen Day Cream* by simply buying Lancome's products worth IDR 1,500,000
L to R: Mini Eyeshadow Quad #350 - Mini Gloss - Mini Juicy Tubes - Mini Virtuose Mascara - Mini Magnifique EDT - Hydra Zen Day Cream - Mini Bifacil - Mini Khol
BTW, i really love that Hydra Zen Day Cream, very relaxing for both my skin and temper. Althought the texture is cream, it surprisingly doesn't break my skin out. I think I'd purchase the complete range if it does good within one week or so :)
23 September 2009
mineral foundie
during this quite short eid-fitr holiday, i've been hardly spent my time on sephora.com. at first i only wanted to look around, but it ended up in deep confusion on whether i should give mineral make up a second chance or not.
i once used this mineral make up *but i can't tell which brand hehehe*, but my skin broke out. uhuhu, well, til now i'm not sure whether it was caused by hormone imbalance, my allergy to bismuth oxychloride, or the texture of the free kabuki brush that is a bit rough *and too bad i hardly washed it* hehehe.
well well, maye i'd rather stick to my conventional loose powder.. i can't stand the risk.. haha, enuff said. the girls at lancome have this gorgeous skin... so, i don't want to make the disparity any further. haha.
ohya, i also found many MANY eye candies there. Cutie eye shadow palettes from Tarte, Too Faced, and Sephora. very berry cute packaging. but again, i don't think i'd buy them because first I don;t know whether if they have rich pigment. Second, I am waiting for Lancome's Declaring Indigo palette in Or Liberte to be launched here in Indonesia *crossing fingers, hope it would be happening soon*
but really, i love the packaging. Especially this studded eyeshadow palette from Tarte (Courtesy: sephora.com). Cute rite, looked like clutch bag. Maybe I'll make myself make up pouch that looked like this cutie hehehe
04 September 2009
j'aime bien
- i totally love glossy magazines. and my working place is heaven for people like me because they always have the latest issue of elle, bazaar, female, herworld, dewi, etc; therefore, they're all now become my daily dose. and this is really good since i'm totally into glossy magazines and hardly read motivational books. don't get me wrong... i enjoy reading investment books much more than reading motivational books and i read newspapers just-so you know but.... well, i just never feel any kind of enlightment or excitement after reading motivational books.
- i love udon udon udon and any other kind of noodle or pastas. i always wish that ind*mie one day would produce an msg-free version of its superb noodle product.
- i love the fact i can write for magazines eventhou i don't work for a magazine
- dreams do come true, even my silly milly dream for an eyeliner that could be applied like the way i applied marker or felt tip pen. yes yes, i found this liner design from lancome, a fool-proof eyeliner that is suitable for people like moi, who always want make up to have big impact with such low effort hehe. well, the colour is not as opa
30 August 2009
ohyaaa, a bit of me can't wait for tomorrow. hahahaha, i know it's monday but there are several reasons that makes workdays are exciting..
1. i want that super deliciooooo stuffed tofu at CCF
2. gonna visit SEIBU@grand indo for lancome's podium means i cud have mie lekker as my munchy lunch!
3. i want to wear that just-bought tulip skirt
sounds shallow.. i know hahaha
ohyaaaaaaaa, here are some looks that would be the inspiration if you work in fashion/beauty industry ehehehe.. i kinda like the 'dress code' at loreal's LPD division (LPD = luxurious product division)
chic and sophisticated are probably the most suitable adjective to describe the 'dress code' at LPD. a bit of sexiness/feminity/edginess on you daily look is totally okay as you could pull of that well-groomed look. ahaha, pour moi? j'aime bien ca.. i love dressing up, however i got to learn more about make up because i'm not really good at it. hahahaha...
credits: lookbook.nu, elle.com
29 August 2009
a month after
oh, and i feeell superrrr glad today because i bought a tulip skirt at orange that looked truly similar with the skirt that i want at xsml unless this skirt's price is like only 1/3 of its twin at xsml. ahahaha, i was about to buy it at xsml when i passed through orange store and found this skirt. happy happy happy..
well, the hightlight of the skin care products that i just bought is..... taaaadaaaaaaaaaaa..... this masker from lancome: PURE EMPREINTE... basically, it's a mask with white clay ingredient that is well known of its effectiveness in absorbing excess oil. and a very gud fact about this product is.. it could also be used to dry up you zits overnight.
just apply it a bit on ur zit and voilaaaaaa, those naughty red dots would fade away in the morning after. hehehe.... hopefully it works as wht the beauty consultant told me. hehe.... and no, this is not an advertisement because who's gonna read this blog but me et moi hahahaha....
02 August 2009
my 1st week report
hey all, i’ve just passed my very 1st week@l’oreal. so far so gud, ehmmm beyond than gud i guess. well, how can i not enjoy my internship time there if i’m literally surrounded by glossy magazines, big traincase fulfilled with arrays of makeup palette, beauty workshops every week, etc etc etc. hahaha, sounds fun rite?
aheemm, but don’t get me wrong. the work load there is also very heavy and intense. 7pm is the average time for the employee to go home and 6pm could be considered as “pulang cepat” hahaha. and yes, we work on weekends.
ohhh, and i’m a bit excited to come to elle tomorrow to supervise lancome’s photo shoot. hihihi x)
22 July 2009
reject Ho
do u guys still remember tye-dye that had became major trend last year. i dislike that trend so much that i made this hypothesis
ho: tye dye= unchic
confidence interval = 95%
the null hypothesis was accepted under 95% confidence interval. not until several weeks ago when i fell in love with this dress from celine s/s 2009. ohh, so maybe i got to change the confidence interval to 99% so could must reject the null hypothesis that stated tye dye is unchic. hihihi. love this kind of uber chic tye dye x)
19 July 2009
ahaha, true!
“Us men designers, we make costumes. Women designers make clothes.”
a comment of a male fashion designer who recently had a dinner with DVF.
Later on she replied that women designers love working with comfortable materials like jersey while men designers prefer, for instance, satin. “You know, because it looks more glamorous,”
original article: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/19/business/19diane.html?ref=global
semoga di masa depan kejadian ini jangan sampe kejadian lagi karena selain alasan kemanusiaan, dampak ekonomi pasti akan terasa semisalnya kepercayaan investor yang sudah mulai pulih kini harus kembali ke titik nol. and maybe the least that we can do is not whining when security guards in a mall or other public places do the security check procedure to our belongings, including laptop and handbags. i guess this is a small thing but might contribute althou a bit to the society. x)
pengeboman ini juga membuat fans MU kecewa karena tim kesayangannya batal tampil. saya sendiri bukan penggemar, tapi saya sedikit kecewa karena saya sukaaa banget sama iklan ini: iklan "budi bermain bola". nga pernah bosen ngeliat iklan ini.
08 July 2009
gentleman and gentlelady
hari ini adalah hari pemilihan umum presiden. saya sudah mencontreng dong tadi pagi. hasil quick count menyatakan pasangan no 2 yakni sby-budiono sebagai pemenang.
quick count memang bukan merupakan hasil perhitungan resmi dari kpu, tapi sebagai seorang mahasiswa yang sedang berkutat dengan skripsi dengan jumlah sampel cukup banyak *menurut saya loh* membuat saya sedikit mengerti tentang statistik.
saya mengasumsikan hasil quick count tersebut cukup akurat karena elemen survey telah terukur secara matang, mulai dari wilayah apa yang akan menjadi sampel ditinjau dari sebaran demografis, kantong suara, dan sebagainya untuk meminimalkan tingkat sampling error *kalau tidak salah adalah +/- 1%*
tentu saja di posting ini saya bukan mau mengungkapkan pandangan politik karena saya jelas-jelas kurang mengerti politik hahaha. tapi di sini saya cuma penasaran, kenapa tidak ada kandidat dengan perolehan suara di posisi 2 atau 3 yang mau mengakui hasil quick count ini?
mereka malah menyatakan bahwa hasil quick count ini tidak relevan atau dalam versi mereka disebut “ngawur”. saya sedikit tersindir loh walau saya nga ikut-ikutan bikin quick count ini hehe. artinya mereka meragukan validitas survey sebagai sebuah karya ilmiah, padahal bikin skripsi kan juga perlu survey, menentukan model, menentukan sampel dan sebagainya. jadi terkesan kurang menghargai gitu. *tentunya dengan asumsi bahwa lembaga survey adalah independen dan memiliki metodologi yang akurat*
hehe, mungkin akan lebih terlihat elegan kalau mereka mencontoh Hillary Clinton yang dengan berbesar hati mengakui kekalahan dan bersedia untuk mendukung Obama untuk bertarung dalam pemilihan presiden melawan Mc Cain.
sisi positifnya kalau berbesar hati adalah respek di mata masyarakat karena mereka mau menjadi seorang ksatria (gentleman atau gentlelady hihi), jadi kalau mau run sebagai calon presiden di 2014 mungkin saya akan memilih mereka.
eniwey, this is just my two cents. hahaha.
07 July 2009
bakso cak man *dan kawan2 bakso lainnya*
hari jumat ini adalah deadline pengumpulan skripsi untuk seminar 2 maka hari ini gw stay dirumah untuk kejar tayang. *walaupun diselingi nonton insert dan membaca fashion blog hehe*.
jam 12 siang gw laper banget, maka gw keluar rumah untuk beli makanan. yang ada di pikiran gw sih bakso cak man.
gw sukaaaaa banget sama bakso cak man ini karena:
1. kuah nya enak
2. cak man menjual berbagai gorengan seperti: bakso goreng, siomay goreng yang panjang dan siomay yang normal2 saja.
pokoknya viva la cakman haha. namun sayang tadi siang tutup. semoga cuma karena libur aja, bukan tutup selamanya. hiks hiks. soalnya outletnya yang di fatmawati juga udah tutup for good.
ohya gw mau ngasih beberapa tempat makan bakso yang enak hehe:
1. bakso afung (senayan city, pasar festival kuningan)
bakso ini juga favorit gw soalnya kuah, bakso gepeng dan tahu isinya enak, bisa pake babat dan tetelan yang buaaaanyaaaaakkk banget, ada perasan jeruk yang bikin segar dan kalo biasanya bakso pake bihun, di afung kita bisa minta bakso pake kwetiaw. rasanya cihuy hahaha. beneran, gw suka banget bakso ini.
namun demikian ada satu faktor yang bikin gw ga mau sering2 makan afung, yaitu lapisan lemak di kuahnya itu loh yang tebel dan bikin gw rada parno. ahaha.
2. bakso tenis ata (sebelahnya my shoes pondok indah)
yang gw suka di bakso tenis ata adalah bakso urat dengan ukuran besar dan potongan urat yang kasar, jadi masih terasa tekstur tulang muda dan uratnya
yang menarik juga dari bakso tenis ata adalah topping pelengkap berupa kucay, yakni sawi yang dikeringkan dan diasinkan yang membuat rasa kuahnya semakin enak. harganya juga lumayan murah. terakhir sih cuma 10 ribu ato 12 ribu, tapi cuma dapet 2 potong bakso gede sih hehehe.
3. bakso toto
bakso ini ada di sekitar rumah sakit pondok indah. pertama kali gw makan bakso ini pas masih SD. gw ngiler banget karena keliatannya mbak gw doyaaan banget makan bakso. dia makan hampir tiap hari pas nungguin kita dijemput nyokap.
berhubung gw saat itu masih kecil, maka gw nga boleh jajan2 di depan sekolah. tapi dasar anak kecil, makin dilarang makin penasaran. suatu hari gw minta dipesenin bakso pas nyokap gw lagi les bahasa inggris jadi kemungkinan masih lama datengnya. mbak gw awalnya nga ngebolehin, tapi karena muka gw memelas dan dia sepertinya merasa berdosa kalo nga berbagi makanan enak, maka akhirnya diijinin.
pertama kali coba, gw lumayan suka soalnya bisa minta bakso pake indomie *gw suka indomie!*. ohya akibat makan bakso ini, gw jadi rada sakit perut. bukan karena bakso ini kurang bersih ato apa, tapi karena dirumah gw harus makan lagi biar ga ketauan kalo gw jajan tadi. begitulah saran dan nasihat jitu dari mbak gw. ahahaha
tapi rasa suka gw terhadap bakso ini berkembang pas gw udah smp, waktu itu gw abis makan di mcd *bakso ini deket sama mcd deha*, tapi gw masih laper. akhirnya gw inget sama bakso toto ini. gw pesennya bakso pake indomie. di situ gw bener2 suka karena sambelnya itu pedes banget tapi enak. pake sawi pula. wah gila deh. hahaha, sayang kelemahan dari bakso toto ini adalah tempatnya yang kurang asoy dan adem hahaha jadi gw udah lama ga makan di sini. hehe
4. bakso fiesta dan GM alias gajah mada
kenapa gue gabung? karena rasa kuah dan tekstur baksonya sangat mirip hehe. tapi gw suka kok. ehehe, lumayan lah kalo bakso fiesta ini buat dimakan pas lagi laper di tengah malem. tinggal direbus doang. harganya juga murah, kalo nga salah di carrefour sebungkus rp 8000 saja per bungkus. isinya 9 bakso. hehehe
5. bakso nrimo
bakso ini lokasinya ada di depan sekolah tirta marta. yang gw suka dari bakso nrimo adalah ukuran bakso yang besar dengan daging cincang di dalamnya. enaaakkk. hihihi, udah gitu sambelnya juga pedes dan pas banget sama rasa kuahnya.
soal harga juga terjangkau, 10,000 saja per mangkok berisi 2 bakso besar, 4/5 bakso kecil *ini tergantung nego sama si pak nrimo* hehe, dan tahu goreng/rebus.
lumayanlah kalo pas istirahat pas lagi ngampus. hehehe
mm, apalagi ya, gw lupa nih pernah makan bakso dimana aja. hahaa. kalo gitu sekian dan terima kasih untuk edisi bakso kali ini. lain kali saya akan posting tentang mie yang juga merupakan makanan favorit saya. ahahahaha
05 July 2009
loh loh, ngomong2 kok tampilan windows live writer berubah ya? jadi lebih kece. hehehe.
eh, tadi mau nulis apa ya? ohya, mau cerita *dengan sedikit curhat* tentang skripsi yang lagi gw susun.
jadiii, saya punya skripsi dengan 2 skenario. ahaha, udah kaya sinetron aja. dua skenario tersebut untuk mengakomodasi 2 alternatif model penelitian yang saya punya. keputusan akhir mengenai model yang akan dipakai adalah besok. sebenernya sih nga masalah mau dipake model yang mana. orang dua2 nya udah oke. ahahaha. *as if hahaha*
proses pebuatan skripsi ini penuuuhhhh perjuangan. ASELI deh, mulai dari pontang-panting cari data kesana kemari. ini bukan majas hiperbol ya.. menilik dari berbagai sumber yang komprehensif *hahaha* misalnya bloomberg, reuters, yahoo finance, idx.co.id, pusat data bei, website perusahaan, minta data sama yang membuat topik serupa, majalah swa, etc etc. gile gile.
trus juga mencari landasan teori untuk asumsi2 tertentu, misalnya market premium untuk cari WACC, RFR apakah suku bunga deposito ato SBI,dst dsb.
kalo sampe skripsi ini dapet nilai a, hampir dipastikan gw sangat terharu. ahahahaha. mak nyus deh perjuangan buat nulis skripsi ini.
eniwey, topik judul skripsi gw adalah:
studi empirikal economic value added sebagai pengukur performa perusahaan di indonesia pada tahun 2003-2007
dari judulnya aja udah mantap, apalagi pas buat ahahaha.
30 June 2009
transformers 2: revenge of the fallen
honestly, i'm not a big fan of transformers but the film itself was quite entertaining for me. however, i found out that all of the boys in the whole world LOVE (all with CAPITAL letters) transformers 2 a lot lot lot. well... surely michael bay, the director, already put the right formula to make those boys crazy about this film.
oh anyway, presidential election is like 8 days from now. i surely am going to use my right to vote hehehe x)
23 June 2009
bb addict
hey, but do i have addiction to any particular thing? actually, there are several things that i'm kinda addicted to, they're
1. sambel *traditional chili sauce*
2. internet
i am no longer fb addict nor twitter follower, but i am a blog walker. i could spend like hours just to peek-a-boo into someone's blog and read from one page to another. as a result, when i see the clock, it's already bedtime. uhuk uhuk x(
3. mineral water
frankly, everybody needs water to survive, but in my case, i get dizzy if i don't drink every... errrr 30 mins and i also drink a lot, as much as 2.5 liters per day.
4. blanket and bolster
it's better off for me to sleep without pillow than without bolster and warm blanket.
21 June 2009
hey, it works
18 June 2009
j'aime bien beaucoup!
there are several statement details that appear on most if the collection, just like the fishing hat, thongs with nice fluffy pom-pom alike detail. okidokiiiii. i also got something to learn from lanvin, how to pull off harem pants in such classy manner. me likey it soo much x) , so here are my favest looks: (credits: style.com)
14 June 2009
24 May 2009
angels and demons
SUPER GREAT! yes, i rilly like this movie hihihi x) i love the setting, very artistic with those sculptures, old churches, fountains, etc etc. very artistic. yaiii
oh btw, i just wanna tell u this shopping source for korean/japanese fashion. super affordable and cool i guess but aheemm.. pardon me that i can’t assure you if the quality is great. however, please note that the average price for a dress is $10.. weeew, such a bragain rite??? hehehe. actually, this web is more suitable for wholesaler, but maybe we can buy it together to reduce average shipping cost? hehehe.. (the link)
all credits go to here
22 May 2009
being 21
getting one year older means more responsibility *to act wiser hihi*. but eniiweyyy, i felt feel ssooooo grateful because i have my closest ones that made me felt soooo special on my bday hihihi. merci bcp mon amis et famille x) vous ne savez pas combien je t'aime. *thanks a lot to my friends and family. u don’t know how much i love you*
ohh, what i love most about birthday are the gifts that they gave me hohohoho. lily bouquet *it’s my fave flower*, cupcakes, mini cakes, adorable bag from ciciero, nice cards, trench coat, and absolutely all the messages on BBM/fb/sms/ etc that had been sent to my cell hihihi. laff laff laff.
ok, get back to real life baby hehehe x) let’s do the thesis!
18 May 2009
almost 21
hmm, i usually have this very long wishlist, but for this year i am a bit clueless when my super duper cutie bestyyy, annisa *ahaha, nice me* asked me about what sort of things that i want for my bday. hohoooo.
but to make the finding easier, here are several things that i need now:
1. ciciero bag (akusukatas.com)
i rilly like its red bianca bag, but white and grey is great also. if u order that bag from fashionesedaily.com u can purchase that at disocunted price. niceee x)
2. flat shoes
i’ve already had several nice high heeled shoes, so i guess i won’t ask for another pair. haha, black or grey flatshoes would be perfect for my bday.
ahahaha, nice and easy wishes list rite?? i love u my girls hihihi x)
10 May 2009
a girl with bachelor degree *hopefully* soon
fyi, i’ll be graduated in several months ahead and i’m really excited while at the same time a bit thrilled with economic downturn fact. however, i’m still optimistist that i’ll get the best.. well, to work directly after being graduated isn’t the only choice available, i found that there are 4 possible choices:
1. get a job
2. continue study to post-graduate
3. be an entrepreneur
4. get married!
hahaha, but honestly only the two former answers are feasible pour moi.for the third answer, i still can’t imagine myself being an entrepreneur in foreseeable future and of course for choice #4… hahahaha…
to be honest, i’d really like to continue study soon after my graduation, but after made this lil assessment, i changed my mind…
Study Now | Study Later |
- Economic downturn will possibly make it harder to find my dream job | - Cud get MBA degree instead of MSc/MCom |
- I still cud easily recall all the knowledge i get from undergrad school | - Better chance to get scholarship because of working experiences that i possess |
- I will be graduated from my post grad school when I’m still young so I cud possibly spend 2 or 3 years before get back here | - I know better what course shud I take based on my working experiences |
- I cud continue my French language course here x) ! |
et voila, i find that the latter option might be the best for me.. ahaha, but i’ll still apply for some scholarship opportunities because based on my tiny mini research, it is very often for someone to reapply for 2, 3 or even 4 times before he/she gets scholarship..
03 May 2009
sunday morning
holaaa, mmmm. what are my today’s activities? haha, nothing’s special. i went to PIM to do my thesis *sounds so boring i know, but i don’t have enuff time to do my thesis until the next two weeks cus i’m going to attend ielts prep course*
andd, u know what, it was only 30 mins after i sat down on a couch at starbucks pim1 when the internet connection was down. uh oh… so i decided to move to starbucks pim 2 and enjoyed some veggie quiche there while waiting my computer’s start up process. then again, the connection was error. such an unfortunate fortunate x) hehehe
afterwards, i went to watsons to get myself shampoo. owwwhhh wowww i found out l’oreal’s mirror shine shampoo was on discount from 42,000 to 30,000. i was like yeahhh hahaha. then i saw this l’oreal eselve night serum. errr, actually i’m running out of serum, and i always love l’oreal hair products… so why not?
what makes me so happy is my mom paid for that. hehehe x) thank you mommy. i love you. ahahaha.
PS: i hope that serum works good. oh, i also need another serum to protect my hair from that hot hair straightener device hahaha
02 May 2009
windows live writer
owwhh god, how i love this windows live writer.. blogging’s much easier now.. thanks a bunch x)
at 9AM i went to Menara Mulia to attend a seminar about Australian Goverment’s Scholarchip. It was very informative and motivated me to finish my thesis fast and well ahahaha.
Then, I went straight to Pasar Festival to… yeahh,, you know,,, to enjoy my very berry fave meatball soup in the whole world *after cak man*….. BAKSO AFUNG ahahahaha. whoaaahhh, as always, it was super duper delicious with tahu isi *stuffed tofu* and whole lots of babat. nyummmyyyyy…
I went to Sency afterwards to find myself birthday gift *ahahahaha*. no actually, i helped mon to find a birthday gift for me. ahahaha, Result= ZERO. sooo, we headed to PS afterwards and found this super cute black coat at LILY at sogo…. it was on discount from almost IDR 2 million to IDR xxx. unfortunately, the promotion will end tommorow, so i made up my mind and decided to purchase that cutie coat althou i dunno where and when will i wear it…. ahaha, it’s a very good investment in fashion at such good price, well not so cheap pour moi, but that was a very good deal to be missed besides, c’est tres versatile et chic!
thennn, we went to church and had dinner at sakura. i love love love this place simply because all of the foods taste great with such good quality and…. all of the prices are already including tax x)
i had this ika sago *or something like that* salad that tasted really really gud, errr. but it reminds me of asinan bogor *in a good way i mean* besides salad, i had bacon udon *i asked the waiter to alter the ramen into udon* i don’t like ramen, but on the other hand i love love LOVE LOVE UDON berry berry much.
L to R: Curry Rice, Ika Sago Salad, Bacon Udon
and this is how i spend my saturday hehehehe x) hoaahheeem, things to do for nextweek:
1. get up early to attend IELTS prep@IALF from Monday to Friday
2. send ms. yenny from NEXT GEN e-mail about……. psttt. ahahaha
3. finish data entry task for my thesis
4. go to mayestik to make necklaces to be sold hahaha.
01 May 2009
wander lust
yes, i am a wanderlust. one of my dream is to see the world, well, to be more precise, it’s beyond than just to “see”, but also to feel it. i wanna know how is it like to live in whole diferent culture, climate, scenery, etc. i am really inspired by st augustine’s quote:
the world is a book and those who do not travel only read a page
and today, i just read DEWI magazine and i found an article about slow travelling. and wowww, i was like. yeahhh, that was the word i’ve been looking for, slow travelling, to live in one area for several days or more to get deeper attachment with local daily life instead of taking a tour packages where we’re in a rush to move from one city/country to another one. one perfect place in my mind is Provence in southern france, but of course before heading there, i’d really like to go to Paris for the 2nd time ehehe..
owwwh, c’est magnifique, isn’t it? x)
oh, i also wanna go to those places as listed below. guess where are they located at??? ibiza? st tropez? caribia???
na ah, they’re here in indonesia:
L:Raja Ampat *Papua* – R: Wakatobi *South East Sulawesi*
woowwwwww, such hidden treasure. shame on me that i never realized such beautiful places until recent times. for details and pictures, just read the latest national geographic traveller indonesian edition. that will surely shift ur paradigm about the tourism in indonesia.
30 April 2009
bonsoir mon amis x) today i just wacthed XMEN the ORIGIN. ohgod, it’s awessoomee! weewww, i love the story plot and there are lots of sneak a peek to other xmen’s characters such as professor X, silver fox, sabre tooth, etc etc. j’aime bien beaucoup wolverine hihihi.
before i watched xmen, i had a mock interview held by my campus as preparation for career day. the interviewer was from 3M, she was very nice and fun. and several things that are echoing in my mind:
- before interview please take enough rest so u won’t look tired *hehehe, yeahh,this is about my eyebag, huhuhu*
- u don’t look like finance ppl u know *ahaha, do i?*
eniwey, i think this mock interview session is very helpful for me to know the perspective of a recruiter about me. as well as making me getting used to be interviewed so in the real interview i wudn’t be soo nervous hoho
28 April 2009
moody’s mood for music
pour moi, music is far beyond than just entertaiment to hearing senses solely, it is as well a therapy for the soul, or simply a mood. whenever i’m in the mood of creativity, i would simply listen to lykke li and the ting tings. i must say that those kind of tunes would bring out my edgy way of thinking while crafting necklaces or pimping up my clothes.
my favest ones are:
- we walk – the ting tings
- i’m good i’m gone.
the funny thing is, everytime i hear those sort of catchy tunes, i instantly remember a friend of mine, regina, a girl with bold yet whimsical style.
oh btw,here are some findings *read as treasure* that i bought at my own garage sale hahahaha.
1. royal purple strippy patterned stocking: IDR 35,000
2. dangling earrings: IDR 30,000
3. bib necklace: IDR 30,000
4. cropped floral jacket *that surely will be great when paired with high waisted pants and my oxford heels*: IDR 25,000
whoahhh, the prices are incredible rite?? x)
27 April 2009
24 April 2009
D-Day Seminar & D-1 garage sale
wheewwww, wht a loonggg day.this morning i made my presentation in front of my thesis supervisors. so far so gud, but several improvements are needed to make it tress parfait hahaha. and oh well, in my final presentation i must properly prepare myself because i trembled in some parts.
after got finished with my presentation, i went afterwards to kemang, the venue of the garage sale. oh well, i stopped by at hero kemang to buy some supplies *and my very favest fresh orange juice that was squeezed rite in front of me, very delightful. j’aime bien beaucoup ca!!!* hahaha.
and oh my godddd, to arrange those fashion items are such gigantic tasks. there were like literally almost thousand of items to be diplayed. ahahaha, just so u know, the hardest part is when a cloth missing its label so i got to scan through whole lots of pages with thousands items. phewwww
the next hardest part is to resist the tempation to purchase those goods by ur-self hahahaha. well then, au revoir! a bientot!
23 April 2009
oh my god
21 April 2009
in memoriam: friendster
it’s been ages since the last time i checked my friendster, social network site, account. yesterday, i logged in and found out several funny facts:
- girls usually wrote very positive comment *or put it in another word: white lies* so they wud get so in reciprocal. for example they cud wrote “Shirley is my senior at high school, she’s so yada yada yada..” so i wud return the comment like “ xxx is my junior at high school. ok, so here are my impressions about you. u’re pretty, smart, yada yada yada.” haha
- a gud friend of mine wrote this: “shirley always put this cud be considered as silly smiley mark on everything she wrote: x)…. i was like…. ahahaha, he’s quite good at details that he remembered my fave smiley x)
- maybe they tried to be politically correct by doing extra efforts such as writing: “hEy, tHAnX ya UdH di aPp.” or sent me glitter texts. if i found such comments, i usually double checked the identity of the sender. turned out 90% of the senders weren’t my friends, just random ppl who added me. or some ppl refer that as “alay”
D-3 1st Seminar
The 1st seminar will be coming in like 3 days from now. A bit nervous but I find most of the things are under control. Anyhoo, where are my shoes that I ordered a week ago? Huhuhu. I rilly can’t wait to see them x’/ hohohoho.
Next 2 weeks would be such a very berry hectic period cus I’ll be attending intensive IELTS Preparation Course at IALF. I’ll be there Mon-Fri 9.00- 15.00 then to CCF on Monday & Wednesday to catch up the 7 PM course. But since there are quite a lot of span time between 3.oo and 7.00 I still get some time to watch some muvee at Setiabudi hihihi. xD xD
20 April 2009
bite the dust(?)
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - It was lunchtime in one of Haiti's worst slums and Charlene Dumas was eating mud.
With food prices rising, Haiti's poorest can't afford even a daily plate of rice, and some take desperate measures to fill their bellies.
Charlene, 16 with a 1-month-old son, has come to rely on a traditional Haitian remedy for hunger pangs: cookies made of dried yellow dirt from the country's central plateau.
16 April 2009
Mr. Postman
Dearest Mr. Postman with the duty to bring me that shoes, where are u? I’ve been waiting for several hours today and several others yesterday. :( My heart is pounding everytime i hear motorcycle engine sound. Hehe, lebay. But yes it is ahaha. Feels like waiting for a letter from sahabat pena *ahaha, do i ever have one?*
Enihoo, rite now I’m doing my final touch for my thesis. I feel kinda…. sad because until this very moment maybe i’ve been using over a ream of paper for finishing my thesis. means i’ve been logging down 6% of a big tree huhuhu.
14 April 2009
disney on ice! 2009
12 April 2009
purrfectttt sat noon
after loaded my stomach to full capacityy, i went to tebet. browsing at several distros. nothing that i was interested in except this very cute dress at 1825, a small boutique at jl. tebet timur dalam raya no 141. mm, and there were several other dresses like this that led me to a hard decision whether i shud choose this one or that one hehehe.
09 April 2009
election day
after giving my vote, i dipped my finger into purple permanent ink that would last up to 3 days. ihihi. i somehow love the colour, maybe after this i'll buy some nice deep purple nail polish ehehe.
ohyaaaa, today's Maundy Thursday hehehe:)
08 April 2009
oh no... (or yes?)
in fact, i always love to read nytimes.com. eveytime i click on it, i always find at least one interesting fact, whether it's an economic issue, insight to a culture or even debate about an art object:) maybe it's worth to pay, but for other medias. ohhh please don't. i hardly can't count my bill if i'm charged for every single web i click hehe.
this phenomen isn't something new. many sectors already charge customers for everything. for example:
1. free tap water --> aqua (or other bottled mineral water)
2. airlines --> they charge us for meals, baggage, and even seat number booking (????)
3. subscription to cell phone games
4. extra delivery charge if order thru 14045!!
hahaha, everything is so commercialized. according to NY times, it is reported that a man cud get almost a million dollar within 3 months by creating a game for i-phone. weewwww. mmm, i'm not being cynical. otherwise, maybe it's a great time to find my own opportunity hehehe.
06 April 2009
don't worry be happy x)
12.30: went to campus, the rain was very heavy, the road was turned into 'mini pond'. i was listening to lady gaga (hahaha)
12.45: i'm already at adhyaksa (near campus) when my car bumped into discreet big hole that was covered by water. "baanng" uh oh. nothing was happened i assumed.
12.50 i was at U turn near poins square when i realized my car went left then right uncontrollably. and guess what? when i saw my speedometer... it showed 120 km/hour. oh gosh, flat tyre. tres parfait, i'm alone, raining, and i cudn't even move my car to the side of the road. me and my car just there, in center track of the road. hahaha. yeah yeah.
then i remember than a friend of mine was hynotized here, at the same road, then lost his laptop and cellphone when he tried to exchange his flat tyre. phewww. then i saw a little sticker like this along with its hotline number,
i called 021 75 900 900. and 10 minutes later 2 mechanics along with its huge towing car came over me and helped me with everything, they were very polite:) x).very berry nice service.... and it's free!!! weeewwwww. hihihi, tengkiuuuu.. oh one tips for girls if u are on the same situation: lock the door and just stay in the car. stay calm, ignore help from someone u don't know for safety purpose. call somene that u an depend on. preferably a man and your car insurance company:) and voilaaaa. DONE!
05 April 2009
"kenapa nga BB?"
sebenernya concern utama saya nga beli BB adalah biaya abonemennya yang lumayan yaaa.. 180 ribu per bulan. berarti kalo punya BB, pengeluaran per bulan buat komunikasi minimum 300 ribu! waww, hampir 30% dari uang jajan. sayaaaang banget hehehe..
sejujurnya, sampe saat ini gw merasa blom butuh2 amat untuk get connected 24/7 thru BBM/email/etc etc. saat ini kerjaan saya bikin skripsi, les bahasa prancis, dan jalan jalan aja. belom ada yang urgent2 amat hehe.
tapi bukan berarti saya anti-BB ato gimana, tapi kalo boleh jujur i prefer i phone to BB. lucuuuu bangettttttttt!!! and well ... honestly, another one major reason is nowadays everyone has BB ..
04 April 2009
lady gaga, eye cream and necklace
-just dance, poker face - lady gaga
- sade - lover rocks
- pilihanku - maliq & d'essentials * i heart the lyrics as well*
- here i am - david morales
- jai ho - PCD
oheniwey, i just ran out of my clinique's all about eyes (eye cream). but it's quite pricey for me now so instead, i bought TBS's eye reviver. hopefully it works as gud as my all about eyes. cus my temporary eye cream (well, it was not a cream actually, too liquid on me), garnier roll on, seemed to be poorly worked on me. i looked sooo creepyyy without gud eye cream. hahaha.
aaaaannnnndddd finally i found wht i've been searching for... a very me statement necklace. ehehehe;) cute!!!! isn't it????
big bag girl
this is my fave bag, i always store it in its dust bag when i don't use it:) it's like it's grining rite?? i like it berry berry much since 1st glance i spotted it. hehehe. oh well, what's inside my bag? uhh, there are quite of plenty things there... as u can see..
and oh, there's my superb blush on there. cargo in portobello works works works very berry well! the best feature is its marble texture. u can find ur very own shade, how wonderful? :) it has peach, pink, pale pink and all other colours in one pot. and it'll last for like... forever?? haha, very worthed to hve it for only $25.
and about my wallet, i do detoxifying it today cus it contains more receipts than cash hahahaha;)
02 April 2009
too young for such things
(quoted from newsweek.com)
yeaah, i know it. several days ago i was at a mall's restroom. then this tiny little girl, no older than 13, stood besides me. she took her (quite big) make up pouch from her bag and applied eyeliner and MAC eyeshadow expertly . ouch ouch. i must admit that she was much better than me in make up skills.
is the pressure for being mature so hard for these pre-teens that they're so eager to put on adult's stuffs such as leather handbag, make up, heels, etc etc? i kinda wonder because at that time i still found myself enjoying doraemon tv series on sunday morning hehe. but these girls now watch Gossip Girl with much sexual contents that are quite inappropriate for their age.
it's not a big truth anymore see pre-teens shopping at zara, mango, topshop, vnc, charles and keith, etc etc. weww, they even speak chanel, prada, LV, and other high-end brands fluently. auwww.
another odd fact is even my 25 years old cousin started to feel anxious about wrinkle!
and oh, please read the evolution of anti aging product advertisement from 1908 to 2009.
bday wish list
here we go..
- i want to dye my hair brunette
- one shoulder dress. yummyyyyyyyy;) x)
- chunky sandals like this:
31 March 2009
bye2 giraffe dress;'/
and now i'm craving for chinese chicken salad.
maybe tomorrow i'll make myself some:)
yummm yumm
26 March 2009
dragon balls, jumbo dragon roll and day dreaming
well, i thought the film wud be boring or a bit trashy, but it turned to be otherwise.
but i didn't like flow of the story, not smooth and anti climax at a third last part.
and oh, just a random thought..
when we're going to save ur work at MS Office, we hit the floppy disk icon at upper left corner of the LCD rite? but have u seen this stuff lately? hahaha, i must admit that i haven't seen that for years. i wonder if a century from now, young ppl wud ask a question like " what's actually the meaning of the save icon? is that a big building with door or...?"
so, they'll open wikipedia (or any other famous encyclopedia at the future) and maybe found this statement:
" save toolbar icon is a floppy disk, an ancient storing device that was popular hundred years ago. the capacity for its 1.44" size was less than 1 MB, very contrast if compared with nowadays storing device with no bigger size than a needle that cud store up to 1000 TB"
and i imagine that the advertising is no longer in 2D, but in 3D instead.
just like in star wars film! wowww.
owwwh, and the best part at that time is we don't buy hard copy fashion magazine anymore. instead, we buy latest issue's softcopy on web or nearest 'lapak majalah'.
download it to our own e-book and voilaaaa, we'll be able not just to read and see pics, but also to watch 3-D fashion show!!! x)
uber kewlllll hahahha
24 March 2009
inventory management
in preparation stage, i found out several interesting facts:
- girls can't control theirselves as soon as they hear SALE word!
the basic principle is: "great opportunities don't come twice"
- shopaholics don't wear things twice
... simply cus they got tons (literally) of stuffs to be worn
- let's do the math...
there are around 20-30 suppliers. in average, each got as 60 consignee stuffs; therefore, there will be 1200-1800 stuffs in my garage sale. and woowww, it's gonna be a hard inventory management. you know, to pack things up based on the owners, match sales list with the inventory list, ship them back to their owners, pay each supplier, etc etc.
oh eniweyyyyyyyyy, i'm craving for seafood hahahaha